Legal company WESTLAWCORP Belgrade Serbia - Russian-speaking lawyers in the Republic of Serbia for all types of law

Legal company WESTLAWCORP Belgrade Serbia - Russian-speaking lawyers in the Republic of Serbia for all types of law (legal services in Serbia — правне услуге у Србији).
The legal company WESTLAWCORP from Belgrade was founded on a fundamental set of values, including practicality, entrepreneurship, and innovation, with full respect for the professional ethics of lawyers.

Our best recommendation is our numerous satisfied clients, who make our name recognizable. Excellent results, tailored to the client, are the result of the expertise and experience of our lawyers in the most complex cases in courts and arbitrations, as well as in working with citizens and in the economy.

We persistently seek new and creative solutions, effective even by the highest standards of legal practice. We build relationships with clients based on trust and genuine attention, always protecting their interests and reputation.


Our lawyers in Belgrade strive to help clients solve the most complex problems. The greatest role in this is played by the many years of experience of a lawyer in legal practice and a good knowledge of domestic and foreign legislation. This guarantees that we can always find solutions that best meet the needs of each party.

Being a lawyer in Belgrade and Serbia is a responsible profession. We understand that our actions have a huge impact on the well-being of the people we represent, their rights, property, and future. The term "lawyer" is a symbol of the protection and implementation of constitutional and legal rights. Lawyers are expected to show the best results every day. That's why we always strive to work better and be better.

WESTLAWCORP, headquartered in Serbia - the city of Belgrade, provides legal services in the country and abroad in cooperation with partner law firms and lawyers.

Areas of practice

Commercial Law

Providing a wide range of services in the field of economy. Establishment of companies and branches in the commercial registers agency and registration of changes. Increase and decrease of doo capital. Partner companies. Corporate issues. Shareholders. Liquidation of LLC. Bankruptcy. Representation in the commercial court. Corporate governance, dividends. Cross-border transactions. Tax optimization and avoidance of double taxation. Legal expertise. Data protection.

Family Law

A family law lawyer represents and advises on a wide range of family and marital issues, children's and parents' rights, guardianship. Child support, parental support, relative support. Protection from domestic violence. Adoption procedures. Property issues in the family, marriage, and cohabitation. Change of personal name and surname.

When it comes to divorce, we can help you with all issues, whether you want a divorce amicably or to initiate a lawsuit. Division of joint property. Independent or joint custody of a child. Divorce - personal and property issues. Change of personal name and surname. Alimony. Drafting of a prenuptial agreement. Marriage contract.

Property Law (Real Estate, Land)

Legal advice on the purchase, sale, and construction of real estate. Document verification by a lawyer. Drafting of real estate sale contracts. Representation before the cadastre and other authorities for the purpose of registering ownership rights, legalization, or obtaining the necessary permits. Mortgage removal. Tax refund when buying the first apartment.

Tax Law

A lawyer for tax consultations for legal entities and individuals. Tax planning. Representation before the tax administration and other fiscal and administrative bodies. Appeal of a tax decision. Tax optimization. Capital gains tax. Corporate income tax. Personal income tax. Avoidance of double taxation.

Contract Law

Drafting all types of contracts. Actions for contract termination. Termination of disputed contracts. Compensation for contractual damages. Gift contract. The law office drafts the sales contract and verifies the documentation. Creation of commercial companies. Trade and contracts in the economy. Partnership agreement; Annex and amendments to contract provisions.

Administrative Law

Representation in administrative bodies. Administrative procedures. Appeal of an administrative decision. A lawyer for administrative disputes. Representation in the administrative court. Representation in customs, tax, and law enforcement authorities. Representation in the cadastre and registration.

Справочник банковских кодов при проведении платежей в сербских банках (платежные коды безналичных платежей в банках Сербии)
Справочник банковских кодов при проведении платежей в сербских банках (платежные коды безналичных платежей в банках Сербии)

Справочник банковских кодов при проведении платежей в сербских банках (платежные коды безналичных платежей в банках Сербии)

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Несправедливо, жестоко и глубоко расточительно отправлять человека в тюрьму на всю жизнь. Приличное общество не должно этого делать.  Общеизвестно, что…

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25 july 2024, 15:54

Здравствуйте! Мне нужна консультация. Напишите мне пожалуйста в ватсап или телеграм +79817813257


23 april 2024, 08:48

Здравствуйте, вы можете помочь с исполнением решения иностранного суда на территории Сербии? Ответчик юридическое лицо находится в Сербии.


13 february 2024, 20:52

Мне необходимо открыть счет в Сербии на юридическое лицо.
Какие мои действия и сколько стоит Ваша услуга?
Я живу в Эстонии


12 january 2024, 12:03

Здравствуйте. У меня несколько вопросов по разным темам. Можете ли вы на них ответить и сколько стоит консультация? 1 вопрос: проблемы с соседями по поводу протечки труб, как это решается в Сербии?.2. Можно ли вернуть налог за покупку первой квартиры в Сербии? 3. Можно ли по новому закону об иностранцах легализовать пожилого человека, родственника (маму)? Спасибо.


12 december 2023, 13:16

здравствуйте, можете ли вы нам помочь у нас украли деньги в Белграде, мы обращались в полицию, но нам сказали что не помогут(т.к мы не понимаем сербский). Вы нам сможете помочь?сумма большая , украли к светафор там камеры .


22 september 2023, 10:40

Добрый день!
Мы с моей девушкой сейчас живём в Черногории, но собираемся переехать в Сербию. Я буду открывать ИП для работы на зарубежную компанию. Я россиянин, она белоруска и мы не женаты. Можно ли будет на основании этого ее легализовать?


07 september 2023, 14:01

Добрый день! Хотел бы получить консультацию по ведению бизнеса в Сербии, а также по поводу юридического сопровождения компании, если возможно продолжить общение где-то в мессенджерах: Whatsapp: +79234120350, Telegram: @avnbg


Компания Westlawcorp с 2002 года специализируется на всех видах юридических услуг в Республика Сербия


Белград, Улица Князя Михаила, 10


Следите за новостями
Белград, Улица Князя Михаила, 10 +381691911225